What an amazing year! We raised $14,000 during the annual charity sale! Our goal was to beat 10k but we way surpassed that! That’s an incredible increase from 2017’s $8,500 and 2016’s $5,500. I can’t thank everyone enough who supported the sale, you’ve made an incredible impact to the 12 environmental charities listed below. I want give special thanks to my wonderful SO who helped me ship out many of the orders, and my shipping assistant, Katie, who stayed until midnight for many nights to make sure the overwhelming orders are sent out as soon as possible. And special thank to JeezImSoBored for sponsoring free advertising of the charity sale on fb and Instagram :) Thank you all so much!
Below is a list of receipts as proof of donation. There were some awesome matching donation programs as well, so some of the donations were doubled, totaling $20,000 :D I can’t wait until next years charity sale and see what new heights we can achieve!